Alright folks. I’m setting the
timer. We write for one hour. At the end of the hour we log our word
count. It doesn’t matter what we
write. We don’t have to save it at the
Sadly, I think I’ll be saving them.
ZoomZoomZZZ: That’s OK.
Oh, did you hear? Rose is
returning for the Fourth series for three episodes!!!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. BBC confirmed it. No rumour. :D
4AuntSheila1953: cool
ZoomZoomZZZ: O_O oh, hadn't expected you to respond.
4AuntSheila1953: me neither
ZoomZoomZZZ: And 'cool' is such a poor way to celebrate such
great news.
4AuntSheila1953: but it's my standard
4AuntSheila1953: I say it so often
ZoomZoomZZZ: I noticed...
4AuntSheila1953: and I'm not sure I want to go backward
ZoomZoomZZZ: You say it so often, it fails to sound sincere.
4AuntSheila1953: I didn't like it when they resurrected Jean
ZoomZoomZZZ: o.o;
4AuntSheila1953: how can it not be sincere when it's typical
1BarbaraJW665: You
know that the word count on the IM doesn’t count, right?
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes, Mother.
I’m writing on my desktop, too.
ZoomZoomZZZ: Rose beats Jean any day.
4AuntSheila1953: ah, you obviously never read the original
Phoenix rocked
ZoomZoomZZZ: What, you expect people to believe you when you
have the same response each time...makes it seem automatic.
And no I didn't, but Rose still rules hands down. Gets
ready for a debate.]
4AuntSheila1953: a grunt of phlegmatic approval
ZoomZoomZZZ: Dang it, beating me with a word I don't know.
I'll forgive you this time.
4AuntSheila1953: ah, so you don't know if I've misspelled it
In honor of the moment, I will write about Medieval
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol
So uh...
4AuntSheila1953: Although
they didn’t start as Medieval humors.
They started as Ancient Greek humors.
Then the Arabs wrote about them.
I miss bubblegum
I think the bazooka is still chewy
regular chewing gum has softened to the point that it may as
well not be there
ZoomZoomZZZ: All right.
4AuntSheila1953: bah - and you kids should get off of my
ZoomZoomZZZ: Rose is returning, Rose is returning~
4AuntSheila1953: I hope they don't mess it up
typical old geezer statement
ZoomZoomZZZ: O_O This is Doctor Who we speak of - No folly
hath I yet to see.
4AuntSheila1953: it's something that people say to imply
that they're getting old and set in their ways
ZoomZoomZZZ: Ah.
1BarbaraJW665: I knew
that. Get off of my lawn. Get writing.
I don’t want to beat you both again.
It’s embarrassing.
4AuntSheila1953: Jean Grey was with the original X-Men
Waaaaaay back
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes, yes she was.
4AuntSheila1953: Her first death was very moving
And I’ve got the humors and the elements of which they are
comprised written out 255 words. Next
I’m segueing into the Medieval Target Diet.
I’ve always wanted to write an essay about that.
ZoomZoomZZZ: Ah, yeah....so you're saying she should have
stayed dead?
4AuntSheila1953: resetting things just weakened the whole
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol
4AuntSheila1953: DEAD, DEAD, DEAD
ZoomZoomZZZ: Well, Rose isn't "Dead", she's
"Gone". So, they shouldn't mess it up...
4AuntSheila1953: it was a lovely sacrifice
1BarbaraJW665: Is the
MTDiet in the database.
4AuntSheila1953: I don’t
think so. It wasn’t something that I
thought I would forget about.
I’ve got a spreadsheet on the foods and their humors (and
antidotes). It’s on floppy
1BarbaraJW665: I’ll
make a note of that. I’ll do the
archaeology later.
I’m doing a reverse diary.
423 words. I zoom by you.
ZoomZoomZZZ: Doctor Who rules, I'm not worried how well it
will turn out...
And I’m nearly to 600 words, so hah!
4AuntSheila1953: yes, but they've been mooning over not
being able to be together
ZoomZoomZZZ: Well, yeah...and this will be a
"Happy" moment.
4AuntSheila1953: are they going to have to moon over each
other now that she's back
ZoomZoomZZZ: Er, I don't know...
4AuntSheila1953: Is she going to have to die to part them?
ZoomZoomZZZ: You're ruining my excitement.
4AuntSheila1953: DEAD, DEAD, DEAD
And the two perfect foods that can be used to temper all
other foods into alignment with the human body’s humors are . . . wait for it.
. . sugar and pork fat.
Are either of you old enough to remember Covert Bailey’s
Target Diet?
ZoomZoomZZZ: Maybe he gets stuck in a parallel universe
No on the Covert.
1BarbaraJW665: What
kind of parent names their child Covert?
4AuntSheila1953: mebbe
ZoomZoomZZZ: and before they can be together again, he gets
knocked back into his.
4AuntSheila1953: If they do it right, it will be good
ZoomZoomZZZ: >:) They will do it right. Mwuahahahaha.
4AuntSheila1953: If they're doing it as fan service, they
might mess it up
ZoomZoomZZZ: I don't think so...
o.o; I’m going to
steal the name Covert. With a name like
that, he has to be an assassin.
4AuntSheila1953: It will depend on the script
If they had a good script idea, that's all well and good
If they just wanted her back and fudged a script to do it .
. .
. . . I'll let you watch it first
oh, and are you writing about the school for assassins
ZoomZoomZZZ: She's only in it for three episodes.
So...that's not really getting her back. ^^
And, yeah. The
happy-go-lucky school.
4AuntSheila1953: Martha left, right?
ZoomZoomZZZ: Though, theoretically it could mean "Three
episodes of the fourth series, and all episodes of the fifth series." because
they only said she would be in the fourth series, but didn't elaborate if she
might leave after that...
Martha will return halfway through the fourth series...
4AuntSheila1953: So who starts it out?
Other than the Titanic?
ZoomZoomZZZ: Donna Noble
4AuntSheila1953: The comic?
ZoomZoomZZZ: They will have a guest companion for the
Titanic special.
Kylie Monogue...or however you spell her name.
4AuntSheila1953: Douglas Adams wrote a computer game called
The Starship Titanic
I think Kylie is the comic
the mouthy one
ZoomZoomZZZ: o.o;
1BarbaraJW665: do not
buy that shirt. especially do not buy
that shirt and expect me to wear it.
4AuntSheila1953: Terry Jones took the computer game and
wrote the novel
ZoomZoomZZZ: You're confusing me, so I will resort now to
smiling and nodding. nod, nod, smile, smile.
4AuntSheila1953: Eric's advice
Also Dave's
not buying shirt – got it
ZoomZoomZZZ: Wahoo...
4AuntSheila1953: about the diary – are you starting with
today and going backward?
No. I’m popping around
randomly. BTW who was it that you sent
to pick me up from the airport.
ZoomZoomZZZ: That's always good...
Er, go on?
Or are you saying smiling and nodding is their advice, in
which case you weren't very clear.
smiles and nods
4AuntSheila1953: It's what they tell people to do whenever
they think I've said something that doesn't make sense – also known as S&N
And it was Bear Bear that picked you up from the airport.
ZoomZoomZZZ: Ah.
4AuntSheila1953: I tell them they need to learn to keep up
and they smile and nod
1BarbaraJW665: I
haven’t met him since then right?
ZoomZoomZZZ: The question being, do you confuse people on
4AuntSheila1953: no
not usually
ZoomZoomZZZ: So you aren't laughing maniacally in your head?
4AuntSheila1953: no
1BarbaraJW665: nearly 777 words
ZoomZoomZZZ: I figured as much. (and I think I’m still ahead
on the words, but I’m not going to stop and count)
So, what would you say is the cause of your confusion?
4AuntSheila1953: I'm not the one who gets confused
ZoomZoomZZZ: Aha! So you blame the confused people! I rest
my case...
lol jk
4AuntSheila1953: Although I may not have made myself clear –
sometimes I’ve gone over things in my head enough that they’ve become familiar
to me – and then I leave out necessary bits of intermediary explanation. Only passing 500. I’m editing myself too much for a sprint.
ZoomZoomZZZ: ^_~ Tis fine.
Hmm...so...explain the reasons for your latage uppage?
4AuntSheila1953: uppage?
ZoomZoomZZZ: latage uppage = late up.
For being up late, basically.
4AuntSheila1953: haven't written today
feeling guilty
want to check it off my list before I head for bed
ZoomZoomZZZ: Ah.
Olivian Spark.
I had a dream about a boy named Olivian Spark, a boy who had
chefs for parents...a boy who was called Olive by them.
A boy, who was often outcasted for the very name his parents
so lovingly gave him.
Poor boy.
He hid in the Headmaster's bedroom, don't ask me why.
I do know there was a crime...
now was he hiding for that very reason? Did he commit it...I
did not ask. I did ask his name...it was Olivian Spark.
smiles and nods I feel quite pleased with my
observation. This boy who oft pretended he was a girl, to avoid the laughter
when his parents called him Olive.
It was darkly humorous though, that it was quite obvious he
was a boy, and so he was made fun of doubly.
Any inspiring dreams on your end, or are you simply not
there? poke, poke.
4AuntSheila1953: hmmm
thinking about the irony
of sugar and pork fat being perfect foods
so perfect that they temper other foods into safety
ZoomZoomZZZ: Um...what?
4AuntSheila1953: that's why I didn't see the message right
ZoomZoomZZZ: Please elaborate.
4AuntSheila1953: Humors and elements – or, rather,
qualities: Melancholic (black bile -
cold and dry), Sanguine (blood – warm and moist), Choleric (yellow bile - warm
and dry), and Phlegmatic (phlegm - cold and moist)
ZoomZoomZZZ: I got it now.^^
I don’t know what to do with it, but I’ve got it
and this is why phlegmatic slipped into your comments
4AuntSheila1953: yes – phlegm, by the way, is mucus aka snot
that hasn’t been expelled from the body yet.
ZoomZoomZZZ: ew
1BarbaraJW665: so it’s another locational noun. like meteor, meteorite, meteroid.
4AuntSheila1953: oooo Alton Brown – and I’ll have to think
about the locational thing, Look it up.
did you check out the t-shirt, Z?
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes, yes I did. Very cute...did you check out
my messages?
4AuntSheila1953: about the dream of a new character?
I think it's cool that you're getting messages from beyond
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol whut?
4AuntSheila1953: maybe I missed something
didn't you say you were dreaming of olives?
(I kid)
ZoomZoomZZZ: I didn't claim to be a medium?
I was dreaming of a boy named Olivian Spark, who was often
called Olive...I got his full name as I woke up, quite oddly...but he was
called in the dream Olive.
1BarbaraJW665: don’t look it up now – 1,221 words
4AuntSheila1953: not afterlife beyond
ZoomZoomZZZ: What, beyond the vegetable life? XD
4AuntSheila1953: land of dreaming beyond
ZoomZoomZZZ: OH
4AuntSheila1953: Have I ever inflicted The Sandman on you?
ZoomZoomZZZ: No, you haven't...you keep insisting you would,
but you never do.
4AuntSheila1953: It was a comic series by Neil Gaiman
ZoomZoomZZZ: No.
Stop there please.
1553 words
4AuntSheila1953: it is THE best comic series that was ever
ZoomZoomZZZ: You have explained this all ready. ^^
4AuntSheila1953: ever
1BarbaraJW665: you may have more words, but I be I have more
capital letters
ZoomZoomZZZ: You told me it was the best comic series you've
ever read, by Neil Gaiman, and how it is pronounced GAY-MAN not Guy-min.
4AuntSheila1953: The first story arc is kinda gory - but it
sets things up
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes, you said that too.
And you loved the whole "Dream" aspect or
Dream was a person/being I think you said.
Though Chris Baty pronounced it Guy-min too, so I am
and capitals are overrated
we are the IM generation
Sent at 12:38 AM on Friday
4AuntSheila1953: When Neil pronounces it, he says Gay-mun
ZoomZoomZZZ: How many times have you heard Neil speak his
4AuntSheila1953: He's on tape
reading his own stuff
ZoomZoomZZZ: And for the record, you know Neil is not a very
serious person.
4AuntSheila1953: ??
ZoomZoomZZZ: I mean, he could have been joking. Or his
accent could have thrown the pronunciation off...
But I suppose the owner of the name is the most reliable
ZoomZoomZZZ: Did I say something odd?
Spark isn't a surname. Sparks is...Olivian Sparks...sound
any better or worse?
Or should I not argue with this character on it's name?
4AuntSheila1953: No matter how flip he may be, I think he
knows how to pronounce his own name
Spark or
Sparks would work
1BarbaraJW665: the
first night I was here – did you get up in the middle of the night and clean?
ZoomZoomZZZ: o_o was that sarcasm on your part, or am I
4AuntSheila1953: which part?
and, no – no late-night cleaning
I wish.
I was way to tired, then.
Z - No matter how flip he may be, I think he knows how to
pronounce his own name
ZoomZoomZZZ: Oh, well it looked like it. ^^
but since it isn't I won't put another thought into it.
4AuntSheila1953: k
starting to fall asleep
ZoomZoomZZZ: You know, I should right my own book on
"Things to say to make people make an excuse to leave."
Which is supposed to be a joke, but I think I failed in
4AuntSheila1953: that might sell
ZoomZoomZZZ: I say something that may seem odd or
uncomforting, and suddenly people have to go...is that coincidence?
4AuntSheila1953: I'm not sure
I'm sleepy enough that it probably wasn't
or was
B – how much time left on the timer
ZoomZoomZZZ: Hmm.
4AuntSheila1953: I’m going to put on Pushing Daisies in the
ZoomZoomZZZ: Well, I didn't mean anything bad by asking if
you were being sarcastic...sarcasm is good. You know? =D
1BarbaraJW665: 27 minutes to go in Writers Stadium
4AuntSheila1953: PD it's making me want to make pies – Iron
Chef comments aren’t dispelling the urge
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes, I get the same urge...
1BarbaraJW665: sorry
4AuntSheila1953: and I do sarcasm from time to time
Don’t apologize for saying something that makes me want to
cook. Any stimulus to action is good,
even food related ones.
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes.
4AuntSheila1953: hard to tell sarcasm online sometimes - with no vocal inflection or emoticon
ZoomZoomZZZ: Did you know, the majority of times I am
sarcastic someone finds me serious and answers me as such, and the moment I am
serious people answer as if I was joking?
4AuntSheila1953: hmmmm
ZoomZoomZZZ: e
Ever happen to you?
4AuntSheila1953: and how does that make you feel (fake
shrink accent)
and yes, it happens to me
ZoomZoomZZZ: Now, I wonder 'is being sarcastic under the
radar a good thing, as I don't get in trouble with anyone, or a bad thing
because then people think I am stupid for saying what I said?'
It makes me feel frustrated. (Fake crazy accent.)
1BarbaraJW665: over 2000
and I need to pick a new day
4AuntSheila1953: also, I'm often taking David seriously and
then he says he was being sarcastic
ZoomZoomZZZ: my mom asks, "How are you doing with your
book?" As in how many words?
4AuntSheila1953: the nanowrimo ‘book’? over 20,000
and the characters keep starting new conversations in my
ZoomZoomZZZ: "Cool."
4AuntSheila1953: but I'm not getting them down on paper
ZoomZoomZZZ: Hah
I am so used to character's popping up at random
intervals...usually in convenient moments...or story ideas, little tidbits of
inspiration...how this or that plotline can work...so I finally got that small
composition notebook I've shown you.
*in inconvenient
I find, as long as I take the voices in my head as bits of
inspiration, instead of all the insane things I could take them as, that I am
not crazy.
4AuntSheila1953: maybe tomorrow – I’m mean maybe tomorrow,
I’ll work on the nano.
Barbara, have you written an entry for the first day we went
ZoomZoomZZZ: And so we're clear, that was sarcasm...just not
"rude" sarcasm.
4AuntSheila1953: cool
ZoomZoomZZZ: I watched the P.D. episode a couple hours
4AuntSheila1953: David thinks that there's not supposed to
be any change in voice for sarcasm
I contend that the voice tags the statement as sarcastic
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yep.
And unfortunately I have such an unreliable voice I don't
know half the time what it sounds like.
I am constantly told different opinions on it...it's very
It conveys things I am not feeling. Grr. =P
4AuntSheila1953: to my mind there is no such thing as
situationally obvious sarcasm
1BarbaraJW665: the
day we bought the computers? and met
Vernon? and Grumpy Gus talked me through
the network linkages?
ZoomZoomZZZ: haha. Sure.
and I’d better concentrate on writing for a bit – she’s
catching up
4AuntSheila1953: David contends that there is
ZoomZoomZZZ: I think there is.
Go David.
4AuntSheila1953: and that if I miss it, that's my bad
ZoomZoomZZZ: yes, yes...
4AuntSheila1953: no - if you do sarcasm without the vocal
tag - that's lying
sort of
ZoomZoomZZZ: "I like throwing things. Yesterday I threw
the world into chaos, and just last week I threw time out the window."
Er, "Lying". Since when does the debate on sarcasm
have to discuss such a serious topic as lying...then people's feelings get
hurt, and I always feel bad seeing someone hurt...='(
4AuntSheila1953: lying may be overstating it
ZoomZoomZZZ: ^^
Good, I can return to my blissfully happiness and my
deniability of pending doom.
4AuntSheila1953: chuckle
And, Barbara, I was thinking of a day or so after that when
we went out buying clothes and shoes.
ZoomZoomZZZ: ^^
I'm writing that one down.
4AuntSheila1953: I'll wait – oh, no, I won’t. I’ll write on my essay, since you children
are pushing ahead so far. “cutting
things into bite sized bits (aka hacking to gobbets) or grinding things in a
mortar allow the tempering agents to marry more completely with the food,
transforming it more completely into something safer to eat.”
ZoomZoomZZZ: This is why I like the composition notebook.
IDEA - write - IDEA - write.
not IDEA - where's my pen? - IDEA - I think the dog ate your
you know?
4AuntSheila1953: cool
there's a candy store opening across the street from the Pie
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes, it was a great episode.
P.D. is ze bomb.
I was hoping for some more singing, but all in due time.
4AuntSheila1953: cool that you saw it
ZoomZoomZZZ: I told you above that I had saw it a couple
hours prior to this conversation.
4AuntSheila1953: I believe you
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol
going to do an exercise.
I’m walking into a cafe' full of character's I thought up and see what
(On WrimoRadio a woman suggested doing this.)
4AuntSheila1953: cool
sounds like a great exercise
ZoomZoomZZZ: yep
It also counts as word count. :P
Well, I'll be here if you wish to speak with me. Enjoy the
Sent at 1:10 AM on Friday
4AuntSheila1953: they're fighting
well, the pie man isn't
I wouldn’t have thought of folding peripheral writing into
the nano book
I’m not sure that I feel that’s legal
ZoomZoomZZZ: yeah, I love that part...
I love all the parts...I love Pushing Daisies...
4AuntSheila1953: a little more than half way through
ZoomZoomZZZ: Almost halfway through...
that should be 23...25...minutes in.
4AuntSheila1953: Olive and Chuck are breaking in
ZoomZoomZZZ: Oh, that's 27 minutes in, excuse my Klatchian.
4AuntSheila1953: rats (and nice use of Pratchett)
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes, quite literally.
Charlotte and Olive rule~
I half suspect the name Olivian came from Olive Snook.
4AuntSheila1953: a pink head poked up
I would believe it
1BarbaraJW665: 15 minutes to go – are you sure you want me
to write about that – it was sort of embarrassing
ZoomZoomZZZ: Olivian Spark > Olive Snook.
However, they are too different characters. I can tell that.
Right, go back to your show.
4AuntSheila1953: they're so cute
Oh, almost time to start plating
I can remember a time in my life when I had never heard the
word plating.
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes, yes they are.
4AuntSheila1953: oh, he's going to find the body in the pink
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes, yes he is.
Charlotte and Ned = Cute Romance.
4AuntSheila1953: touch
ZoomZoomZZZ: A relief from all that relationship drama in
other T.V. shows.
4AuntSheila1953: yeah
you killed my brother
and, Barbara, you don’t have to, but someone said something
about writing being easy – you just sit down at a typewriter and open a
vein. You have to be able to write about
the embarrassing. Not that you have to
right now.
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol yes
Bad Ned, Bad, bad.
1BarbaraJW665: speaking of bad – is someone watching TV AND
IMing when she’s supposed to be doing a writing exercise?
Naughty, naughty
May have to give you detention
4AuntSheila1953: they're visiting in jail
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes, an equally hilarious scene.
Er, um...how to say this...
4AuntSheila1953: now the morgue
ZoomZoomZZZ: Mind...er...watching your
show...and...uh...letting me get to my writing?
4AuntSheila1953: I like Emerson Cob – and it isn’t TV if you
watch it on the computer, from the abc website.
ZoomZoomZZZ: And how did the scenes progress so fast?
4AuntSheila1953: Time flies when you’re having fun – and no
commercials to speak of.
ZoomZoomZZZ: it is Cod.
4AuntSheila1953: write, author, write
ZoomZoomZZZ: thank, AuntSheila, you.
1BarbaraJW665: 10
Sent at 1:20 AM on Friday
ZoomZoomZZZ: Man, Olivian is confusing.
He keeps changing the reasons for things over and over. xD
4AuntSheila1953: not a straightforward wort?
ZoomZoomZZZ: yes
4AuntSheila1953: sort
ZoomZoomZZZ: He is missing his left eye.
He isn't too consistent on how he lost it, or if he lost it.
4AuntSheila1953: ah - an unreliable narrator
or character
ZoomZoomZZZ: Now I am to the point where he is claiming to
be a Principle. He has to feed on inspiration, because he can't consume human
4AuntSheila1953: I love the main character of Snow Crash
his name is Hiro Protagonist
sounds like a Breatharian – I haven’t heard about them for a
long time
ZoomZoomZZZ: He's the reason artist blocks and
procrastination happen...and why inspiration goes away.
4AuntSheila1953: he lies - he should be stripped an flogged
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol?
4AuntSheila1953: or tickled
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol
4AuntSheila1953: Hiro = Hero = Protagonist
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yes, I get it.
4AuntSheila1953: as Agonists go, he is Pro rather than Anti
ZoomZoomZZZ: Olivian says. "I've been living for
centuries. Kind of boring really after the Big Bang." I laughed at this
4AuntSheila1953: yeah, I guess everything else would be
anticlimax after such a big thing
never considered that
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol
Maybe the End of the Universe might brighten things up a bit
4AuntSheila1953: maybe if there's enough mass to cause it to
re-condense into another bang
but it there's not enough mass, it will continue expanding
as the stars slowly wink out and everything becomes cool and slow
ZoomZoomZZZ: mhmm.
4AuntSheila1953: sometimes known as The Heat Death of the
The Final Triumph of Entropy
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol
don't ask me why I'm laughing, just sounds funny.
1BarbaraJW665: 5 min
4AuntSheila1953: it's late
past a certain hour everything is funny
ZoomZoomZZZ: So true.
4AuntSheila1953: especially things in Capital letters
ZoomZoomZZZ: So true I don't see the point in pointing it
out. =P
4AuntSheila1953: the cactus is drunk and calling for a cab
no capitals
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol
ZoomZoomZZZ: snuckle
4AuntSheila1953: just to show that I wasn't making that up
1BarbaraJW665: TIME – count up
Sent at 2:03 AM on Friday
ZoomZoomZZZ: is it possible to be developed with an
underdeveloped eye that has to be removed, or no eye at all?
developed = born.
4AuntSheila1953: I don't see why it would have to be removed
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol, 'don't see'.
4AuntSheila1953: unless it was open and the wet parts were
dripping out
ZoomZoomZZZ: He doesn't either lol
4AuntSheila1953: no pun in 10 did
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol
1BarbaraJW665: 3593 – I was rambling at the end
4AuntSheila1953: but I imagine there are a lot of
eye-related congenital mishaps
you haven't heard that joke before
ZoomZoomZZZ: All I know is Olive doesn't have a left eye,
and I am trying to think up a non-sad reason.
4AuntSheila1953: The eye fairy took it?
898 – but they’re QUALITY words
ZoomZoomZZZ: I don't want him moping over it, so I even gave
him very supporting family members.
4AuntSheila1953: Guy entered a pun contest, really wanting
to win
ZoomZoomZZZ: Eye Fairy....ooo...
1BarbaraJW665: Oh, Quality!
Along with TV shows and webcomics.
I see the quality. (sarcastic smilie)
4AuntSheila1953: so he sent in ten entries, assuming that
with so many entries, at least one pun would win
unfortunately, no pun in 10 did
Fairy could have left him a gold coin under his pillow
or his first knife
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol
I think.
you may have beaten me this time, but next time I’ll get
you, my little missy!
4AuntSheila1953: or a grenade
hopefully not when he was so young that he'd pull the pin
or try to feed it to his pony
looking at what I just typed
I think I need to go to bed
ZoomZoomZZZ: There are not enough eyes in the world, and
sometimes an Eye Fairy is sent in to collect an eye from a person who doesn't
really need it, to give it to a person who is currently eyeless. In exchange,
they get a nice little magical present. His present, was a black hole for an
eye (no pun intended) and a job as inspiration collector.
1BarbaraJW665: there
are not enough rolleyes in the world.
4AuntSheila1953: cewl
ZoomZoomZZZ: Black hole, meaning...he can gravitate
inspiration towards it, and suck it up. Yum.
Inspiration Collector.
4AuntSheila1953: I can accurately say
that idea sucks
without being derogatory
ZoomZoomZZZ: xD
So you don't mean, it's a bad idea...you mean it sucks
things up...?
No? yes?
4AuntSheila1953: no - it sucks in the inspiration
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol
4AuntSheila1953: schwooooooooooo
(that's supposed to be the sound of sucking)
ZoomZoomZZZ: Um, I got it.
Go to bed.
4AuntSheila1953: If I were being zen, I'd ask what was the
sound of one lip sucking
ZoomZoomZZZ: o_O
4AuntSheila1953: it's a good thing that you can't see me
laughing over that
ZoomZoomZZZ: Wow...that sounds...um...odd.
4AuntSheila1953: you've heard the koan about the sound of
one hand clapping, right
ZoomZoomZZZ: I think you told me it...?
looks around for a way out.
Sent at 2:17 AM on Friday
ZoomZoomZZZ: I inadvertently made Olivian friends with the
Tooth Fairy.
I joked about it, and he liked the idea...
Though I think it might be a "Tooth Collector".
"Tooth Collector." "Coin Fairy."
Different departments...
4AuntSheila1953: they could go out in pairs
and argue
ZoomZoomZZZ: Yep.
His friend is a Tooth Collector.
Maybe he'll also be friends with a Coin Fairy.
I don't know.
He doesn't like Eye Fairies, or Eye Collectors.
or maybe the system of eye snatching is different.
I don't know. I didn't ask.
4AuntSheila1953: dang - reruns of Let's Make a Deal are on
talk about nostalgia
I'm waiting for the goat
(and btw, not writing at the moment)
ZoomZoomZZZ: lol
4AuntSheila1953: instamatic cameras and S&H green stamps
ZoomZoomZZZ: <-- never seen it.
4AuntSheila1953: very seventies
ZoomZoomZZZ: Ah.
4AuntSheila1953: people dressed up on odd costumes
ZoomZoomZZZ: *in
though, that did make me laugh...
4AuntSheila1953: then they had to guess whether to take the
instamatic camera or what's behind the big box
ah, now it's what's behind the curtain
and it's coffee plus what's behind the poster
ZoomZoomZZZ: o.o;
4AuntSheila1953: what was behind the poster was balloons
ZoomZoomZZZ: o.o;;;;;;;
4AuntSheila1953: and there was $1500 in the camera box
which was worth more in the seventies
ZoomZoomZZZ: it's still alot to me. :P
4AuntSheila1953: Good Eats is doing dumplings
4AuntSheila1953: looks like dessert dumplings
in something called a grunt
I don't think I'd want to eat something called a grunt
ZoomZoomZZZ: Hrm.
Sent at 2:30 AM on Friday
ZoomZoomZZZ: what eye colour do you think goes best with
gray hair? (Random question)
4AuntSheila1953: feeling the blue at the moment
goes well with grey
ZoomZoomZZZ: thought so.
Sent at 2:37 AM on Friday
ZoomZoomZZZ: Normal Number.
Hmm...not that cool. Kind of funny...sort of...
Trying to think up a name for Spark's friend, the Tooth
"Number" I like that word. Hmm...maybe
"Number One." lol.
4AuntSheila1953: hmm
ZoomZoomZZZ: just being random.
So far, I'm calling him "Tom" until he tells me
his name.
4AuntSheila1953: that should work
bed now
ZoomZoomZZZ: nighty night
4AuntSheila1953: zzzz
ZoomZoomZZZ: zzzzzzz
I'm naming him Daniel! :D
Sent at 2:57 AM on Friday
ZoomZoomZZZ: It was readily apparent what made this night
different from any other. In fact, apparent was the exact word to describe a
sort of fairy thing, and apparently going somewhere were the exact words to
describe the fairy’s actions. It was not readily apparent however as to where
the apparent fairy was going. Apparently it did not wish to reveal its
destination, as it blinked in and out of what could be called existence,
towards a cluster of what could be called red roofed residential houses.
^-- when you wake up, can you tell me if I got the 'were'
and 'was' right?
I am trying out a new style of writing, and trying to make
it sort of like the narrator on pushing daisies...
Sent at 5:03 AM on Friday