The strangers wore well
oiled leather, chain, and plate armor, in various combinations. From the entrance they looked to be three men
and one woman, but Nevvic knew that such assessments could shift when a boy got
closer. He looked around to see if he
could see any excuse to talk to the strangers.
Gripper wasn't in sight and the regular morning folk were circled around
a dice and cup game. From appearances,
it was a rare contest. Not a glance was
spared for the unknown foursome.
"Ho, boy! You from the woods?"
That was a surprise. No need
to consider tactics, now.
"Yes, good
traveler. My folk make charcoal in the
"See, Arthetor. All we needed to do was stop hurrying. Come, boy and sit. We have some questions. We travel in search of dragons."
The speaker kicked a stool
out from under the table and nodded toward it.
He was tall and rangy, his armor was hardened leather plates, each the
size of a hand or larger, the plates grommeted with metal and bound together
with chains. He wore a metal cap helm,
tied under his chin with leather, and a bearskin cape. His hair and beard were clean and blond and
intricately braided, but his feet were protected by nothing more than old rope
Navvic hurried to sit before
the man could change his mind, before his companions could object.
"I'm afraid we have no
dragons in the woods, farer. Or, rather,
I'm not afraid in the woods because there are no dragons there.
The leaves are dense and the
beasts can't see through. The branches
reach wide and intertangle. Certain, one
could get through, if it had a reason, but none has fixed on a reason for as
long as my uncle has lived and longer."
"None has landed near
the edge and galloped through, under the branches?" Brennus pushed a dish with sections of
grilled sausage toward Nevvic. Nevvic
nodded and took one, gratefully. Sausage
was a rare treat.
"At the edges, where
the trees are scant, there are thick brambles.
Perhaps they cannot pierce a dragon's hide, but they block sight as well
as the leaves of the treetops.
Oh, and my folk, when they
build a mound, making charcoal, they remind each other not to stay close to the
mound longer than necessary, once the fire is going. Mayhap past dragons have dived through
treetops and mound crown, following the smell of fire, and gotten naught but
buried, banked fire for their efforts."
There were other things that
Nevvic's folk did to avoid drawing dragons, but this portion he was allowed to
tell. For it was a rumor and a guess,
and not something known certain.
"Do you stay always in
the woods, boy?" Said the one called Arthetor. This one was coiffed so that only the
cloth-wrapped tail of his hair could be seen, running a small way down his back. His armor was plate, and well pieced. His helm, on the table, was more elaborate
than Nevvic had ever seen. A glance down
showed that his boots were thick leather with strips of metal riveted on in
rising stripes.
It was hard to guess the
true size of his body under it all. But
he was obviously bigger than most men.
"No, farer. Today I'll be ranging upslope, to see if
salmon have started in any of the streams."
"They come up this
far?" This man was short and
slim. His wiry, greying hair had been
cropped off in a flat line just above his chin.
His wispy beard had been similarly cropped just below his chin. There was a thick leather cap with ear flaps
on the table near him. He wore a red
leather vest and robes that obscured his feet and hands. He made a gesture
showing that Nevvic could finish the sausage, if he wished.
"Oh, yes, farer. The ones that spawn near flat places draw
bears, but the ones that leap the falls into narrow breaks in the cliffs can be
harvested safely."
"The cliffs up ahead? They go as far as that?"
"Not every year, farer,
but most. Whether any can top the cliffs
and go beyond is a thing argued about constantly. Some farers have spoken of fish like salmon,
but striped, that live in lakes high up the mountain. But the lakes have no leaving streams, so if
they are salmon, they can nevermore reach the sea."
"We are being
rude," said the woman. She wore
chain to her knees, with plate strapped to her forearms, neck, and shins. Strapped to her chest by chain around her neck
and back was . . . Something round that glowed.
She, also, had a helm on the table and her hair was loose and pale brown
around her shoulders. "My name is
Sechlainn, follower or Cardijahn, she who blesses mortals and strengthens them
to slay dragons. Her aim is to free the
land of their terror.
"This clansman,"
she indicated the tall, blond man, "is Brennus Conchobar. The second name is his clan name.
You heard Arthetor's
name. He is from the spire. That is Limmidocious. He's a wizard. His sort usually don't travel
with my sort. I see his pledge to our
quest as a milestone and a turning point. Men have long cooperated against
dragons. We have successfully protected our
homes and fields and flocks. Now we are
joining to take the worms' nests."
Nevvic looked down at the
table, reddening. Limmidocious
"Folk in these
mountains think it unlucky to give their birth names to . . . Well, to anyone
not close family. He'll have a cognomen,
a thing that he's called by folk in general.
We won't be angered if you
give us that, boy. Custom is
"I'm called Charnevvic,
"Nevvic being local for
nephew. Is char associated with making
"Yes, farer. I live with my uncle, and he's called Char,
for the charcoal."
"And do you have any
further information about dragons, Charnevvic?
Beyond the news that they leave the woods alone and that they leave the
salmon to the bears?"
"Well, one will take a
bear from time to time, when the bears come into the flat to swat salmon. And there's a rumor that they come and
scratch their backs on the side or the edge of the cliff."
He fished into his pouch,
fumbling out a ragged, translucent curve of something. He handed it to Sechlainn.
"Folk call those dragon
scales. That's not a good one. Good ones look like they're maybe a
scale. Folk make combs of them.
It may be just a story, of
course. No one here goes looking for
dragons. Maybe you know. . .?"
Sechlainn handed the flat
lump to Limmidocious. He examined it
with a show of thought and care.
"I can't swear on
relics, but I don't know what else it could be.
This has tumbled in a stream, hasn't it?"
"Yes, farer. The closest to the cliff these are found, the
nicer they usually are. But they're
found in all the streams. If they were
only found in a few, we'd have sent word to the sages and mayors, asking if
that meant there was a nest or lair up in the cliffs.
If they were found often,
we'd have sent to ask if there were many dragons laired up beyond the
cliffs. But they only get found a few a
year, and they come from every stream.
So maybe two fought, up over the cliff, and they raked scales off of
each other, and those work their way down with the rains. Or maybe one dragon died and animals fought
over the carcass, spreading bits around.
Or maybe something big ate it, or many big things did, and they couldn't
digest the scales, so . . ."
Brennus cut the speculation
short with heartfelt laughter. He
slapped the table and wiped a tear from his eye. The others were pulled by his joy to chuckle,
or at least smile, along with him.
"Limmoc, he ponders
just like you do. Crap sprayed on cliffs
with dragon scales in it like corn in a road apple?" He threw back his head and roared his
"That would make quite
a learned dissertation,"said Arthetor, with forced solemnity. "The plebes of all the orders would pack
the halls."
"You speak truly, Arth,
though you jest. It would be a
significant knowing if I could prove it.
I would be duty bound to report it as widely as possible.
Although for the first
declamation in hall, I'd use obscure enough language that the plebes wouldn't
know I was talking about scat . . .
. . . So the hall would be
packed with journeymuni, instead."
At that all three men
laughed. Sechlainn shook her head, one
hand tracing a design inside the glow on her chest. She was smiling, but Nevvic got the feeling
that she was seeking after something besides the gathering of information about
how dragons fit into the world. She
wanted only their location, and she felt this could be found best by questing
and heeding her glow.
"Is it true that
Cardejahn is a new goddess?" Nevvic
was surprised to find that he'd asked the question. A person's god was more personal than a
person's name.
"She is not new, but
her power has increased and her purpose has changed and hardened recently. The land suffers from dragons. People are willing to pledge themselves to be
her hand as she strikes them."
Now the three men looked at
the table. Sechlainn plainly wished to
say more, but forbore. Continuing would
not be courteous to her fellow farers.
Nevvic asked no more. The folk at
the other table did not appear to be listening.
That made this news his. He could
maybe get a cup of ale, some other day, telling about the armored
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