Thursday, December 20, 2012

Twenty-Second: Believing in Chocolate

Don't give up                                          [two versions - I'm thinking about it]
on the Hershey's bottle.
Invert it
and squeeze
and plunge it in
to the milk.


When the milk has risen,
revert it
and shake.
Then squeeze it on back
in the glass
rich and dark.

There is more sweetness left
in the world
than we see.
Though we sometimes
must rise in the dark
to find it.


Don't give up on the Hershey's bottle.

Invert it and squeeze.
Plunge it into the milk.

Revert it and shake.

See it flow back,
rich and dark.

There’s more sweetness
Still left than we see.
Though we sometimes must rise in the dark to find it.

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